Art Book Updates

Here you will find all the Pre-Order updates for my art book
These updates will be shared on my Twitter, Instagram, and Discord
This page will be removed sometime after all books have been delivered
For any questions regarding the pre-order you can contact me at:

Digital Edition + Overstock
Sep 27 2023

Nearly all books have been delivered at the time of writing. For those who bought a Gold Edition check your emails, you should have a download link to the Digital Edition included in your purchase.

I have a few overstock books and merch items, I will have them up on my shop. Quantities will be very limited, shipping will be done at the end of each week or the beginning of the following week.

I will announce when I'll have the overstock items up, I need some time to do the logistics work for those, order additional packaging materials, and set up an overstock section on my website.

Book bundles and free shipping were a pre-order thing only. This time items will be sold separately.

Shipping Started
Sep 18 2023

As of this week, I'll be packaging books and shipping them in batches, I'll announce which order range has been shipped on my socials and discord.

Packaging & Shipping Update
Sep 11 2023

I received all the books and I'll be inspecting them.

I was hoping to avoid plastic but the books came individually wrapped for the Gold Edition. I'll keep them in that plastic bag in the final packaging.

I won't be signing the books as I tested it out on a couple and the ink may cause a smudge, I'd rather not take the risk and ruin any pages by accident. I just want everyone to get the books in excellent condition as that's a greater priority for me.

I'll start packaging all the books this week and I'll place an order for the shipping boxes and labels soon.

First I'll be packaging and shipping the books for the FEH Youtubers. This will help me figure out the process and document requirements of the courier I'm working with. I'll do all the troubleshooting at this stage. Once I get that sorted out, I'll ship the rest.

For those who ordered the Gold edition, once I start shipping your books, you'll get an email with a tracking number and a download link to the Digital Edition which was included in your purchase.

Shipping should be next week most likely!

50% Books Arrival
Aug 27 2023

Bronze/Silver Ed. Update:
All the re-printed books have arrived and they came out excellent! Previously there was a color issue where everything was completely faded.

Gold Ed. Update:
The sample was delivered and the book looked excellent! I sent the Okay for the remainder of the books to be printed, they should arrive by mid-September I think. I hope all goes well.

Packaging + Shipping:
I bought Fragile stickers to use for each shipment I will make. I'm hoping this prevents the books from being tossed around. I'm in talks with a shipping service to see what sort of discount/insurances they have available. Then I will figure out when will be a good time to start shipping. I do think the Bronze/Silver Ed. books will be shipped much sooner.

Reprint + New Merch Manufacturer
Aug 15 2023

Gold Edition Ed. Update:
Since I switched printer, I had to order a sample, it should be shipped by the 25th of August I'm guessing. I'll inspect it when it arrives and send the remaining books into production if everything went well.

Silver/Bronze Ed. Update:
The printer for these was different from the Gold Ed. one, they sent me all the books, upon inspection I realized the colors of all the interior pages were faded. I got them to investigate the issue and the mistake was on their part so they offered a re-print. See update image to see just how different the before and after are. These should take 3 weeks to print approx. that's the standard time. Once I get a more accurate date, I'll add it here. So far it's looking like it's on the right track, I'm hoping these come out fine.

Merch Update:
I got all the merch delivered to me! I did have to switch manufacturer for these since the previous one from my video had too many chipped pins and I didn't want to risk going with a bigger order with them.

The current ones all look great and I had some small changes made:
The sticker sheets have a background so the stickers don't have a glaring white border, they are much better blending with the characters color palette.

The Acrylic pins for the portrait are the same size as the owl pin now.

The button has a sturdier pin in the back now, from what I saw they all look pretty well aligned.

A lot of the merch items came in little compostable bags or already in a plastic wrapping. The standees all came in bubble wrap. I will leave the items in their original packaging when it's time to ship the orders.

Now I just wait for the book samples + reprints to arrive.

Update Image

Pre-Order period update
July 4 2023

I will be closing pre-orders earlier than anticipated, July 15-16th, the designer I work with at the printing company will be going on vacation and they know my project specs. I'd like for them to get the work done so it's a smooth process. Books will be made sooner. I'm guessing I'll get them mid to late August.

Packaging Supplies
July 4 2023

Environmentally friendly materials will be used for the package. Details on this image. Almost zero plastic!

Shipping Locations
July 2 2023

Due to the package dimension and weight, I will only ship to USA & CAN. International prices beyond USA are steep, anywhere between $50 to $120. It is also harder to get good deals for tracking and/or signature required shipping for international orders from discount mailing services. Shipping from Canada is generally very expensive.

Page Count Increase
June 23 2023

Page count for Bronze and Silver edition increased from 188 to 192 pages. Price remains the same.

Gold edition page count increased from 188 to 204 pages. Added an additional chapter displaying posters. They will be arranged based on image ratios, larger posters with a greater number of characters will be closer to the end of that chapter.

Gold Edition price increased from $150 USD to $155 USD

Pre-Order time frame
June 4 2023

Pre-order date is set for July 8th to 22nd. Open/Close time 12PM EST.